Graduation Night
Posted Thursday, May 14, 2020 11:24 AM

I remeber Graduation Night. After the ceremonies at the Stadium, my parents suggested having so folks over. I remember it had rained earlier that day, and the afternoon plan had been rained out. That afternoon plan was to play baseball at the ball field at Chaffee Elementary which was in my backyard, and drink beer. You see, my dad had built a big bar in the 'game room' and had a refigerator that he converted to hold a keg of beer. I digress.....

Anyway, a bunch of you all came over and we played pool in the game room and drank beer. Lots of beer. So much so, that we drained the keg. And then my dad sent my mom out to buy more. In the meantime, my dad began arm wrestling some of the girls for drinks. And he could make a good drink. And of course, he always lost, and the girls always got a drink....


Thankfully, everyone got home safely (as far as I know)!